Today I have FINALLY completed all the requisites, all the steps necessary to be awarded a Master's degree in Social Work, from a consortium of 4 universities (University of Stavanger, University of Gothenburg, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and Makerere University), through the Erasmus Mundus Programme.
I have defended and approved my thesis on the issues of race, ethnicity, and diversity in social work education in Portugal, and I couldn't be prouder of my achievements.
In 2 years I have managed to put out 9 publications, 5 conference participations, and 2 PhD acceptances from the University of Alabama and Rutgers University in the United States.
This journey was an emotional rollercoaster, but at the end of the day, I don't regret anything, because all of the moments, good or bad, were teaching moments.
Hard work really pays off and will take you really far if you're lucky or blessed enough to come by the right opportunities.
Thank you, God, for guiding me through this path! And also, this achievement goes for every queer person out there who is struggling to find their own path: your life matters, you matter, your contributions are valid and never let anyone determine your value.
May the next chapter bring even greater blessings. I will never cease to advocate for a better and more just society! Keep a close eye, my friends, this is only the beginning...
#firstgen #student #scholarship #erasmusmundus #research #socialwork #education #thankyou #graduation #MSW #graduation2023 #graduateschool
